Reporting from Day 2 of Online Connectivism Conference (OCC) 2007
(February 2nd – 9th)
Yesterday, February 5th, Will Richardson presented on the OCC his thoughts about connectivism and the challenges for traditional practice through the read/write web. In his opinion learning means „building a network and find information when you need it“.
The read/write web brings new ways in which students learn: they can build networks and have access to new teachers all around the world. That means for teachers to become „connective“. In order to lifelong learning, teachers should learn networked, transparent, flexible, reflective and social.
In awareness of these aspects teachers should be:
- Mentors
- on call
- inquiry based
- Connectors
- students to students
- building local community
- building global community
- students to mentors
- students to resources
- aggregate & collect resources
- students to students
That leads to the question: How to start? Will Richardsons‘ advice: building your network and modeling your learning, like we do on this blog. And keep in mind that learners learn in the way their teachers do!
For all the people who could not attend the presentation of Will Richardson we recorded it here. Now we are looking forward to the next session.
With best regards
your e2.0-Blogger
Thanks for video. It’s a pity they couldn’t sort out the Elluminate recording.
Eigentlich n super Post, aber kannst du später nicht n wenig umfassender sein? 🙂